It can be frustrating to pay your premiums to an insurance company and then find out that they will not cover a claim. This is even more frustrating when the insurance company takes months of payments before denying a claim, which means you have been paying for nothing. In this blog post, we will explore why an insurance company may deny a claim and how you can protect yourself from being left in that situation.
- The insurance company may deny a claim if they believe you were not honest about your application. For example, if you did not disclose that you have been in a car accident in the past, the insurance company may deny your claim because they feel that you are more likely to get into another car accident.
- The insurance company may also deny a claim if they believe that you were not careful enough. For example, if you were injured while skiing and the insurance company believes you should have known better than to ski on a dangerous slope, they may deny your claim.
- The insurance company may also deny a claim if they believe it is not worth paying out. For example, if you claim property damage, the insurance company may deny your claim because they believe that the damage is not worth their time and effort.
- The insurance company may also deny a claim if you have a history of making claims that were denied. For example, if you filed five claims in a row that were all denied, then you may no longer be covered for those types of claims or at least be given very limited coverage on those types of claims.
5. If your policy states deductible as opposed to out-of-pocket maximum (for example, $500 deductible), please note that each incident will require work on your part to submit proof and documentation about the amount of loss incurred by you, and corresponding deductibles will be deducted from every claim until the full $500 is reached.
There are A Few Things That You Can Do To Protect Yourself from Insurance Company Denying Your Claim
1.Keep very good records. If you are filing a claim, you should keep all documents related to your claim. For example, if you are filing a medical claim, keep any medical bills or reports that show the nature of the injury.
- Give clear instructions to your representative about what is wrong with your car and what needs fixing. Insurers may deny coverage because they do not know exactly what is wrong with your vehicle. They would need this information before determining how much to pay or whether they are even going to pay at all for the damages inflicted on your vehicle.
- Make sure there are no exclusions written into your policy. Exclusions mean that certain types of losses will not be covered. Exclusions are fine to have, but they should be listed in your policy, so you know what is excluded and what is not. For example, if there was damage done to the interior of your car, but that type of damage was written into your policy as exclusion, then you would not be covered for that damage.
If you believe that the insurer has wrongfully denied your claim or is taking too long to review it, you can contact an unpaid Insurance Claim Attorney immediately. They may be able to help resolve the issue quickly and get you back in action in no time at all!
As you can see, there are many reasons why an insurance company may choose to deny your claim. We hope that this blog post has given you some insight into how the claims process works and what you can do to protect yourself in the future.